Dec 19, 2012

Daily Affirmations

We all know the importance of saying our self-talk throughout the day. Our I AM statements, our affirmations. Michael Dlouhy says you should say your self-talk at least 200 times a day. So let’s see: 200 times a day, 24 hours in a day, that is over 8 times EVERY single hour? How is that possible? How can we train our minds to remember to say our affirmations throughout the day? I don’t know about you, but being a single parent of 5 boys and working my home based business full-time, I found it frustrating that each day passed before I remembered I did NOT do my self-talk for the day.

Then I learned a technique that helped me to train my mind so that it comes naturally. In about a week you will be at a point where your “I AM” statements are ALL you can think about.. And THAT my friend is how you shift your subconscious mind to raise your vibrations. It may be difficult at first, because you are still going to need a “reminder” to get you started.. This is where you can be creative. I used a ring. I can ONLY wear rings on my left hand, because they drive me crazy on my right hand (don’t ask me why). So I purposely wore a ring on my RIGHT hand.. It annoyed me ALL DAY LONG! But, that is the purpose, each time I would get annoyed by this ring, it reminded me to do my self-talk. You can also use something like a rubber band around your finger or wrist.. Anything that will keep bringing your attention to it will work.

Now that you are in the habit of reciting your self-talk several times throughout the day, it is time to bring it up a few notches. Each and every time you complete one task and move on to another, take few moments to repeat your affirmations out loud or to yourself. For example: You close out your email and are about to get up and make a sandwich? Before you get up, take a few moments to recite your self-talk. After you eat your sandwich, repeat your self-talk again. And do this throughout the day. Before you know it, your mind is in a constant state of “visualization”. And pretty soon, your visualizations will be more real and you will bring more feeling and life to them.

Practice this starting today and do not forget to comment and share this post if you enjoyed it J

Dec 17, 2012

Lies, Lies, Lies!

Years ago I got some junk mail with the headline:

"Lies, Lies, Lies!"

It was selling an investment newsletter and it
had cartoons on the first page of all the people
who are lying to us in the financial world.

Like, for example, stock brokers, politicians,
investment "gurus", the IRS, sue-happy lawyers,
bureaucrats, etc.

It was definitely an advertisement.

But it also did you a SERVICE, too.

Because in between the sales pitch it brought
awareness about all the scams, lies and trickery
going on.

And you know what?

Lies also infest the home based business world, too.

Whether it's the fly-by-night MLM company with
the founder who was in prison twice before...

....or the so-called "penny auctions" that constantly
get shut down by the feds....

....or some Internet pyramid scheme where
no actual product is moved...

....they're out there.

Stalking you.

Hunting you.

Waiting for you to make a move so they can
prey on you.

I saw it all the time while looking for
a home based business.

And yes, I wasted a ton of money I really needed
(to fix the car, put food on the table,
pay the rent, or just pay the interest on
all my debt).

Not all home based business opportunities are
bad, of course.

There ARE some good ones out there.

But if you pick the wrong one, it could be
an expensive mistake.

So choose wisely.

Check out ALL claims.

And keep your ear out for lies (if
you hear even one, run!)

Written by Tony Rush