Procrastination comes in many forms. It can have long-term devastating effects. People have suffered financial loss/ruin, loss of health, loss of family and the list goes on and on.
Procrastination is NOT lack of organizational skills and/or time management. As a matter of fact, a procrastinator can be highly organized.
Why would anyone having this information choose to procrastinate? Because for most people it is not a choice. It is a way of life. For most people, putting off today what can be done tomorrow, gives them a sense of accomplishment because they know they are only one day away from their goal. Problem is, that day never comes. They spend more time creating excuses and alibis than they do getting the job done.
You read stories everyday about the man that dies from a heart attack because he kept putting off changing his diet until it was too late. Or how about the criminal who ends up in prison because he wanted to wait one more day before walking the right path. The gambler, the drug addict, the abusive partner?
OLD MAN PROCRASTINATION: Affects millions of people everyday. Robs individuals of their time, freedom and life. It causes sickness and disease and takes away a persons self-worth. There is absolutely NOTHING positive about procrastination. It affects all walks of life regardless of status, race or gender.
How can a person avoid or break free from the procrastination trap? There are tons of “self-help” books and programs out there but the bottom line is going to be self-development. Here is a few ways to stop the silent killer. Future articles will discuss these in further detail.
1. Desire
2. Decision
3. Organized Planning
4. Persistence
Many Network Marketers find themselves failing business after business due to procrastination. They lack the skills they need in order to be persistent. This e-book “Success in 10 Steps” explains how procrastination is death to your business and what you can do to stop it.
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Hello Angela,
ReplyDeleteThis was a very good post and I'm sure there will be many more to come. Procrastination is a nasty habit to develop. The sooner one can rid themselves of it, the better. Of course you will always be better off if you never let it invade you life. Reading Success in 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy is a great place to begin eliminating procrastination from your character.
Friends 4 Life!
Hi Angela
ReplyDeleteGood going. Your first blog give a good idea of son to follow great blogs. Well done.
Take care
Procrastination eh!! Well now you've opened the flood gates, let the water flow through. Excellent article, looking forward to more.
ReplyDeleteCheers and to your success
Procrastination is a great teacher if one is ready for the lesson. I like the blog post, well done!