Mentoring for Free is NOT a network marketing company. I hear alot of people say "Oh, I already have a company" or "I am too busy to get involved with another company".
MFF is skills training. It is training for ANYONE in ANY company. It gives you the straight scoop in Network Marketing.
Are you having trouble teaching your team how to build relationships? Are you or your team members lacking in support or maybe need help with how to advertise for free? Or could it be that your personal demons are what's holding you back and you need a little personal development? And before you say NO to that last question, remember, those that claim they do not need personal development, are the main ones that do :0-)
MFF can and WILL help you with all of the above and so much more. It is free. SO, put your credit card in the freezer, because you will never need it for the training MFF provides.
How do I KNOW MFF will help you? How can I be so certain? Because it has done it for me. 7 years in Network Marketing with little success. 1 year with MFF and I am more successful now that I have been in my 8 years combined.
I know you may not like downloads, and I know you may be wary. But what do you have to lose? A couple minutes of download time and a few hours of reading? Come on, if it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE, isn't it worth it? If you do not find any use for it, delete it.. SIMPLE AS THAT! Don't you tell your prospects to keep an open mind?
Here are a few testimonies from those that have read "Success in 10 Steps"
*amazing book I highly recommend
*Great book Angela, I am reading it now
*If you are in Network Marketing, then you need to read this book.
* Love it, thanks
*Angela Thank God for People Like Michael
*great book, changed the way I look at things
Angela Hernandez